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Guest – Doug Gillespie, owner of HKG Insurance
Theme – Problem solving. Efficiency. More time, better life.
- Tell us about yourself and about your company.
- Tell us about the vision behind what you’re doing now and tell us about EASE
- What is the experience inside of most HR offices and small businesses and how does Ease help make that better?
- HCAN chose EASE as a premier partner for the franchise system, who else are you working with, what types of businesses?
As always, you can contact us at partner@hcanthrive.com. The HomeCare Advocacy Network is a business format home care franchise for senior living providers and an entrepreneur-driven franchise for those who want to be their own boss and make a difference.
Tags and instructions:
- HCANthrive.com
- https://www.shrm.org
- https://hkginsurance.com/